Quick Hits: Faith and Politics; Climate Change; Iranian Nukes

A few quick hits before the weekend and next week’s healthcare conference.

Faith and Politics: Demonstrating the principles we discussed at the most recent roundtable lunch, Congressman Paul Ryan took on the social-justice teachings of the Catholic Church this week and revealed that “Cafeteria Catholicism” is a bipartisan practice.

Climate Change: New data and analysis reveals that some Antarctic ice sheets are melting from underneath.  It’s 2012, could we have a real debate about climate?

Iranian Nukes: Is Iran building a nuclear bomb?  That’s the question we explored with David Albright a couple of weeks ago.  Now the head of Israeli Defense Forces has weighed in, too.  He doesn’t think so—and that paints an interesting picture of the dynamics leading up to the next round of international negotiations in May.

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