Event: Campaign 2012 Lecture and Debate Watch II
Campaign 2012
October 16, 2012 7:30 PM
Bazarsky Lecture Hall – O’Hare Academic Center
Salve Regina University
Ochre Point Avenue (at the intersection with Shepard Avenue)
Newport, RI
RSVP to [email protected] or call (401) 341-2927

7:30 PM Lecture:
Faithful Citizenship in a Partisan World
with Peter Steinfels, Ph.D.
(co-sponsored by the Religious & Theological Studies Department and Mercy Center)
Since the 1970s, Catholics have been urged by church leaders to be “faithful citizens” and to shape the nation’s future by making moral choices in voting. People of faith should bring their moral convictions into public life – and into the voting booth. This requires more than blind partisan loyalties or simple self-interest. It requires carefully formed consciences, courage and, as the Catholic bishops declare, “the virtue of prudence.” But citizenship doesn’t begin and end on Election Day. Morality means more than many people assume. And prudence often leaves them confused. How can we make sense of these crucially important ideas amid the clamor of campaigns, the blitz of negative ads, and the fog and fireworks of political spin?
Peter Steinfels is an author, educator and journalist. Formerly a senior religion correspondent at the New York Times, he created and continued to write “Beliefs,” a biweekly column on religion and ethics until 2010. Dr. Steinfels and his wife, Margaret O’Brien Steinfels, founded and co-directed the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture from 2004-2012 at Fordham University, where he is a university professor.
followed by
9:00 PM The Rematch:
Will President Obama be able to rebound from what was widely viewed as a disastrous first debate? Or will Governor Romney maintain his momentum? Settle in with some popcorn and watch the debate with your Pell Center friends.