
Long exposure photo of cars on a highway overpass. The left lane is a blur of white showing the traffic moving while the right lane is a dotted canvas of tail lights showing a major traffic jam. Soft blues from a twilight sky mix with the rough orange of urban life. Streetlights in the background reveal a world underneath the overpass one that is dark both metaphorically and literally. The photo shows concrete life coming to fruition. The buildings, the overpass itself, all of the same material. What is this urban life? It is a complex mix of blue and orange on a concrete palette drowning out the cries of a lonely green park. Just a hint of the once expansive natural wonder of this land exists surrounded by the overpass, another metaphor. The overpass is layered much like the way we experience life. While we may wait trapped in traffic above, below the cars race to and fro, trapped in an inevitable push for space. Amidst the chaos of urban life a red light frees lanes in the bottom right. Show the constructed nature of this problem we call traffic. By mans design traffic comes and goes, ebbing and flowing not from the tides but from the red lights that dot the image.

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